What are your rates per post?

Posts up to 1000 words are at a rate of $440 USD for 4 posts per month or $840 USD for 8 posts per month. Single posts are $112 USD. 

How many clients do you currently work with?

I have a total of 6 long-term clients that I write consistently for every week and I have a couple more casual clients who send work my way when they need it. 

Do you have any clients I can contact for reference?

Yes. If you need references, just shoot me an email and I will be happy to make that happen. In the meantime, check out the kind words some of my clients have written about our work together on the home page.


Do you specialize in any specific cooking method or diet? (Instant Pot, slow cooker, Air fryer, Keto, Vegan, Gluten-free, etc.).

At this point, most of my clients are moms who aim to cook quick and easy, healthy, family-friendly meals on a budget. This can encompass several different cooking styles, methods, and diets including gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free, and vegan. Instant Pot and Air Fryer recipes are also coming in hot these days!


What is included in your fee?

  • An average of 650-1000 words
  • 100% original content
  • Reader-friendly writing
  • Researched and formatted for SEO and EEAT
  • Posts formatted directly into your WP site
  • Proofreading & Editing
  • Reliable, professional, and courteous service
  • Can input your recipe card using WPRM for an extra cost
Check out our services page for more information.


What is your turnaround time per post?

I have a set weekly schedule with current clients. Posts are assigned on Sundays and returned any day of the following week up until Sunday. Overall, you can expect to get a post returned within 5-7 days.

What do you need from a client to write a post?

A recipe card, a photo (more so if it’s an unfamiliar or intricate recipe), any keywords you’d like added in. Other pertinent info like specific words to enrich the text, any relevant information you want to make sure to include, or links to other blog posts.


Do you do keyword research?

Nope. There are folks out there who love doing keyword research. I’m not one of them. If you can find someone who loves what they do and are good at it, then they’re the right person for the job. My clients have the keywords ready for me by the time they assign me a post. 

When is payment due?

I invoice on or around the 28th of every month. Payment is due upon receipt of the invoice.


Do you have a sample contract?

Absolutely. Reach out to me by email and I can send one over to you. 



Do you do the writing yourself or do you use a subcontractor?

I currently do not work with any subcontractors. If the day comes when I decide to start working with other writers,  I always seek permission first and I would never pass along any work to anyone else without prior discussion and agreement. If we do not have an agreed-upon arrangement, the writing is 100% done by me.

Can I see samples of your work?

You bet! Send me a message with your email address and I’ll email you back a couple of samples.

What programs do you use?

Rank IQ, Grammarly, SEOquake, Asana, Google Drive, Adthrive Dashboard (Topic), and an SEO plagiarism checker.

Do you write content or copy for anyone other than food bloggers?

I have written copy for email sequences, websites, and social media for other types of businesses. Currently, I just adore food writing so much that that is where I want to focus my energy. However, that doesn’t mean any doors are closed for good. If the right opportunity comes knocking…well, you get the idea.

What is your process of learning your clients' voices?

Lots of initial research. Reading older blog posts, reading the “about me” section of a website, diving into the social platforms of my clients, and watching their youtube or tik tok videos. Mostly, getting to know them as people first, bloggers and business owners second. Although, for some people, the two are completely intertwined!


How do you deliver the blog posts once they're done?

That depends on what my clients prefer. I’m happy to input them directly into WordPress, but if a client prefers Word documents or Google docs, that’s fine by me!